Robin Pierce
Editor in Chief
Robin Pierce, the tiniest cornstalker you'll ever stumble across, currently lives in northern Germany - though she's constantly on the move, so one can never really be sure. She has a strange sense of humour and tends to make obscure referances to anything and everything she's read. Her main comic, Astorauth, which she is fiercely dedicated to, is the result of far too much reading and a disturbingly vivid imagination. A friend described her simply as "a happy person who likes happy things".
Matt "Cortland" Johnson
Matt Johnson is a graphic designer living in Lincoln, Nebraska, and he has been using a Macintosh computer since its dawn in 1984 when he was six years old. Growing up using programs like PageMaker and Photoshop made graphic design an ideal career for Matt. In his senior year of college, Matt registered, a website to host his own professional portfolio. In 2004, he started a webcomic called Cortland on Comic Genesis, and a short time later opened the Cornstalker forums to give message board his web comic and others online. This soon spawned an amazing, creative community of extremely talented people, which inevitably evolved into the Cornstalker Collective. Today, Matt feels extremely humbled to know so many very cool people online and is thrilled to have the opportunity to work with them as the Cornstalkers.
R. L. Peterson
Currently matriculated at Vassar College for Media Studies, R. L. Peterson is a pop-culture junkie who hopes to someday enter the animation industry. Hailing from the sunny state of California, he has a notoriously less-than-sunny disposition and an eye for the cliché. He created his sardonically cynical comic series "Go For It!" in 2004.
He is working on improving his figure drawing skills to put a portfolio together for the Character Animation program at CalArts, and is studying abroad for a year at the University of the Arts London.
Sincerely (who prefers to remain anonymous) has been a writer for most of her life, and though she doesn't consider herself a legitimate artist, has practiced artistically for far longer. She was born and lives in Southern California where she enjoys a collection of somewhat obscure science fiction, and sunny beaches, which she never visits.
Her first, and current, comic is Oops, Nevermind which is now in the middle of its second year. She is also working on a second, grander project which will be called "Dissent", presently set to debut at the beginning of 2007.
D.M Jeftinija (Legostar)
D. M. Jeftinija was born and raised in Iowa. The son of serbian immigrants he spent most of his life in school, and still does to this day. An exemplary student Jeftinija went on to get a Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry, and is working on his PhD in Pharmacology. He is an avid science fiction and fantasy fan and has enjoyed writing and legos for most of his life. He also enjoys swing dancing and obviously spending far too much time on the internet.
His first comic, Legostar Galactica, has been running for over five years and will continue to run until he gets bored with it or runs out of science fiction humor, neither of which will likely occur in the foreseeable future. He is also working as a writer on several other projects, mostly notably a collaboration with the creator of "Pimpette and Associates" called "Shenanigan", and a collaboration with the creator of "Pointless" called "Waltz"..
Aimee "Humbug" Chow
Aimee Chow spent a great deal of her childhood drawing Disney characters. She created the world of Pylea after being inspired by a computer game and has been working on it ever since. Her earlier attempts at making a comic failed miserably and she never touched it again for years. Only after graduating from college did she decide to pick it back up, feeling that she finally had sufficient skills to make a decent webcomic.
Aimee is currently just playing about with her art, having no other major plans beyond her webcomic. Her main focus for now is completing her Bachelors Degree in Animation.
Carl A. Schulz IV
IV, legally known as Carl A. Schulz IV, is some guy who likes comics. He used to have some ideas that he thought would make cool stories, but never thought he would ever be able to do anything with them. Then one day some foolish person happened to let it slip that there were these things called "webcomics" out on the internet, where you could put anything you wanted and no one would stop you. Not even if you sucked. So he put his stories there. Every thing is a joke to him, especial the important stuff.
Laurel "Pimpette" K.
Laurel was born and raised in southern Ontario, Canada. She has been drawing comics for as long as she can remember, though her short attention span meant that she never took any of them seriously.
Not long after discovering comics on the web, she started up Pimpette & Associates as a sort of inside joke with a couple friends. Three years later, it is still going strong, and has found a place to call home with the Cornstalkers.
Abby "Ryuko"
Abby has always loved art and writing, and when it dawned on her that you could put the two together in some significant way, she started to love comics. She's now a college student, living in Minnesota and working on her autobiographical superhero comic The Green Avenger. She has a few other plans in the pipes, but hopes to get some significant progress on her current comic before she starts a new one.
Keffria was born in the "Fake" Waterloo, and is currently a resident of the "Fake" London, Ontario. Like most webcomickers, she has been drawing comics for as long as she can remember, but she's only recently started to feel like she's getting the hang of it.
Aldus Maycombe is Keffria's sophomore webcomic, her previous project having ended abruptly in 2005. In addition to her own work, she collaborates with Komiyan and other notable webcomic artists on Golden.
Kris X
This artist dabbles in the Slice-of-Life comic genre with a zest for surrealism. She has been drawing and writing since she picked up her first crayon. Currently Kris X is attending college as an English major student and working towards publication.
Matt "Net" Summers
Matt Summers, or Net as he's more commonly known on the forums, has been writing for longer than he cares to remember. The oldest of the collective (at the moment), he's been involved with many different projects; he's recently retired from a five-year stint as the head Wyvern's Library moderator over at Elfwood, he's an elder writer for the Herscher Project, and has a few webcomics under his belt already.
His first webcomic was Patchwork, though this comic is now on permanent hiatus. He next began working with Michelle "Dragonmajik" Mayo to create Tales of the Traveling Gnome. Currently, in addition to continuing work on TTG, he's now working with Tdot to create Knights of Vesteria, a webcomic based off of the forum fiction he wrote in TTG's forum. Additionally, about the time that Knights of Vesteria came into being, Aimee "Humbug" Chow forcibly drafted him (read: asked him nicely, but it sounds better this way) into becoming Tales of Pylea's permanent writer as well.
Michelle "Dragonmajik" Mayo
Michelle 'Dragonmajik' Mayo has always been a compulsive hobby-artist with a passion for realism and fantasy. She's always been interested in visual story-tellings like comics, and often entertained ideas of working on such a project.
She met Matt Summers through Elfwood when they were both Moderators for the site, and in late 2004 he asked if he could write a short story about one of her paintings. Michelle was inspired by the three-page adventure, and by December of that year was busy helping Matt script and plot a much longer story. Tales of the Traveling Gnome made its debut shortly thereafter, and continues to devour most of Michelle's waking hours.
Komiyan is an Illustration student in the North of England. She has been drawing Darken since 2004, and has magically not got sick of it yet. When not drawing dragons and elves and suchlike, she is generally wasting her time on IRC, watching cartoons, or rolling dice for fun.
About this site:
Codenamed "Clauderiffic" by the coder, DJ Orta. Designed originally by Claude TC.
This site was created by former member DJ “Teammayhem” Orta. He's still in California, pursing a career in film. You can visit him at Team Mayhem Productions.
Site uses:
PHPBB Blog (edited to a 2.3cs/2.4 version by DJ)
PHPBB Forums
Comic Banner rotating script by Matt Mullenweg